
Neither of us has time for lots of blah, blah, blahs. It’s time to act NOW!!

The only question that matters is how can you and your business maneuver through the next many days, months and years to regain your footing and come out of this moment better, stronger, and more successful than ever.

It’s about business evolution….

If you really want help from a seasoned CEO who Private Equity Companies turn to for guidance and support of their portfolio companies, but feel that you can’t afford me, know that as a virtual CEO I will work within your budget and time frames to bring you what would normally cost you an arm and a leg to hire full time.

What is an Operational Roadmap?

Before an organization builds, expands, or renovates, a master blueprint is needed. An operational roadmap is an assessment of your business that sets strategic priorities and formulates an action plan to achieve your biggest goals. If additional resources are needed to execute, V-CEO can then rapidly deploy an interim executive team.

Your Company's Health Report

Doctors give patients an annual physical to establish health baselines and detect problems before they are serious. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the saying goes. Taking a bit of precaution now, when a problem is still small, is easier than dealing with a full-blown crisis. So why don’t we approach business the same way?

When you’re focused on the day-to-day, you can lose sight of the big picture questions that will drive your organization forward.

Is everything running smoothly and optimally?

What can be improved?

What KPIs should you have in place to best track operational and financial performance?

Is your organizational design fast and efficient?

V-CEO builds a business roadmap tool for owners, investors, and management teams to get a clear assessment of their company and operations. Think of it as a health checkup for your business, performed by a top operating executive who can identify areas for improvement, develop an action plan, and deliver results.

  • Interviews with key senior management
  • Select members of the team
  • Customers
  • Research and review of data and analytics
  • V-CEO analyzes key metrics
  • Financials
  • Sales
  • Unique IP
  • Markets
  • Brand awareness
  • Risks
  • Regulatory issues
  • Competitive outlook
  • Operational flags.
The result of a deep dive into everything from finance and accounting to operations, marketing, IT, and sales is a clear view of what’s running optimally and what can be improved. 

In a health snapshot, a company receives a fresh outside perspective on areas that include strategic vision and alignment, business governance, operational execution, information technology, people and capabilities, culture, performance trajectory, and financial viability.

From a health snapshot comes an operational roadmap which outlines areas of opportunity and prioritizes which initiatives should be tackled first across sales, marketing, and information technology.


What Clients Are Saying

A.J. Mirabedini you are among the greatest leaders I’ve ever known. It’s an honor to know you & be your friend.

Thomas Blackwell

If you are looking for a great leader for your organization, or a team player that can help you build brand value and create even more success – A.J. Mirabedini is the perfect person for you and your team! His energy, honesty and work ethic are second to none!

Bill Walsh

I consider A.J. Mirabedini to be one of the best strategic minds of our times. I’ve worked with him for over 2 years now and am constantly blown away by his ability to manifest simple answers out of complex problems. There are people who solve problems and then there are people who see the problems coming and fix them ahead of time. The former takes knowledge. The latter takes wisdom. AJ combines both wisdom and knowledge to effectively grow businesses, build teams, and change cultures. If you’re thinking about hiring AJ or working with him, just go ahead and do it. You’ll find your business shifting into a new gear you never knew you had.

Ed Rush

"Vitae erat pretium, interdum et, massa, nunc rutrum at lectus lectus aenean etiam nulla nibh ipsum commodo eu nibh scelerisque pharetra, sem netus risus."

Oliver Goodman

Main Services


One-on-one / CEO Coaching

Felis nulla purus pellentesque id euismod auctor fames ut tempus feugiat mi quisque eget vitae.

Business Coaching

Felis nulla purus pellentesque id euismod auctor fames ut tempus feugiat mi quisque eget vitae.

Management Coaching

Felis nulla purus pellentesque id euismod auctor fames ut tempus feugiat mi quisque eget vitae.

Workshops & Seminars

Felis nulla purus pellentesque id euismod auctor fames ut tempus feugiat mi quisque eget vitae.

Let’s Work Together To Maximize The Opportunities In These Unique Market Conditions.

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