
I’m AJ Mirabedini. I Help Entrepreneurs Build Their Dreams.

To succeed in business, it’s dangerous to get stuck in the day to day minutia. You need a big picture — a vision and strategy for the future. But it can be difficult for busy leaders to focus on strategies when they’re overwhelmed by the immediate demands of running a business. They spend most of their time down in the trenches, rather than surveying the horizon and making plans to boldly win far more than competitors. Assuming that your business is dedicating adequate resources to big-picture thinking, how many of those plans have been put into action versus sitting on a shelf? Even with a plan in hand, developing strategic blind spots along the way is also a threat. Problems don’t only arise from the risks you understand or don’t understand. The biggest danger may be from those things you don’t see coming at all. Periodically having an outside expert assess your business can eliminate these blind spots and bring greater overall clarity about what’s working, what isn’t, and how to improve.
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During times like these, entrepreneurs need to unite and support each other to not only survive but THRIVE! I look forward to bringing my 30+ years of business savvy to help you and your business thrive beyond this moment.

Understanding this alignment between personal and organizational benefit is essential.

My experience as a CEO started in 1989. I am identified in the industry as providing small and medium businesses a constructive forum to present their views in order to arrive at the consensus necessary to develop and execute strategic plans leading to desired outcomes.

We are very proud of our deliverables. We provide dedicated, effective Executive Coaches who emphasize the engagement and interactive involvement of the workforce. Finally, our professional consultants, facilitators, and coaches are second to none. When you participate in a Virtual CEO leadership development of strategic planning session, you can be confident that your session leader is a seasoned, “been there, done that” professional with a real track record of leadership success.

Topics I Can Help You With



Lorem dictumst vitae commodo sagittis consectetur mi, varius id gravida tincidunt faucibus.


Adipiscing id in lectus hendrerit mus in ut vulputate scelerisque fermentum.


Commodo sit in odio velit non lacus, rhoncus, commodo faucibus ac nec.


Turpis metus orci massa, praesent vitae eget purus pulvinar augue et est.

Self Improvement

Porttitor nibh eget tellus sed odio diam sit ultrices sit enim viverra.

Self Awareness

Risus tincidunt tempor, velit hendrerit cras neque adipiscing pharetra, vitae consequat.


Mus a pulvinar lectus cum ultricies nibh mi ac blandit phasellus porttitor.

Life Skills

Orci vestibulum, massa morbi eu nec ultrices integer nulla feugiat morbi.

Let’s Work Together To Maximize The Opportunities In These Unique Market Conditions.

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